FROM HOLLAND WITH LOVE................XXXBeing delivered this week in a pre-Brexit airlift! Gorgeous new additions and some old favourites from Pols Potten Studio. Come and check them out and be inspired.................xxxDrip Lamp with Gold Leaf ShadeDrip Lamp with Gold Leaf ShadeGlass Tropical BirdsPorcelain PineappleLeaf TraysBowler Hat LampPorcelain CockatooDrip Lamp with Silver Leaf ShadeDrip Lamp with Silver Leaf ShadeDisc Desk LampBase Ball Lamp with Satin Shade
Being delivered this week in a pre-Brexit airlift! Gorgeous new additions and some old favourites from Pols Potten Studio. Come and check them out and be inspired.................xxxDrip Lamp with Gold Leaf ShadeDrip Lamp with Gold Leaf ShadeGlass Tropical BirdsPorcelain PineappleLeaf TraysBowler Hat LampPorcelain CockatooDrip Lamp with Silver Leaf ShadeDrip Lamp with Silver Leaf ShadeDisc Desk LampBase Ball Lamp with Satin Shade